Navy NECs za Opaleshoni Yopanga

Ndondomeko ya Navy Inlisted Classification (NEC) imaphatikizapo ndondomeko yoyezera malingaliro pozindikiritsa antchito pa ntchito yogwira ntchito kapena yogwira ntchito ndi mabungwe ovomerezeka ogwira ntchito. Zizindikiro za NEC zimagwiritsa ntchito luso losawerengera, chidziwitso, chidziwitso, kapena chidziwitso chomwe chiyenera kulembedwa kuti chizindikire anthu onse ndi ngongole zothandizira.

Mwachitsanzo, ngati apolisi a Navy ( MA - Master at Arms ) adzalandira maphunziro apadera ngati K-9 Dog Handler, adzalandira NEC MA-2005 .

Kuchokera nthawi imeneyo, woyendetsa sitimayo akhoza kupatsidwa ntchito zogwiritsira ntchito malamulo a Navy zogwiritsa ntchito agalu ankhondo.


0302 - AN / SYS-2 Odzidzidzidwa Odzidzidzimutsa ndi Otsatira (IADT) Opaleshoni Machitidwe (APPLIES TO: OS)

0304 - Radar Operator / Navigator LCAC (APPLIES TO: OS, ET, QM, AWO)

0318-0324 - Radar Air Controller

Kulamulira / kuyang'anira kayendetsedwe ka ndege mu ntchito zamakono. Zimagwira ntchito / kuyang'anira ntchito ya radar, NTDS, mauthenga ndi zida zogwirizana nazo pakugwiritsa ntchito kayendedwe ka ndege. Amagwira nawo ntchito zofufuza ndi kupulumutsa ndi ndege. Kuonetsetsa kayendetsedwe kabwino ka ndege ku malo odziwika bwino, maulendo a mpweya, ndi njira zoyendera kapena kuchoka.

ZOYENERA: Ziyeneretso zapamwamba, zoyenera, ndi zokonzanso zofunika kwa AIC, ASAC, AICS, ATACO, USTAC ndi ASTACSUP zimayikidwa mu OPNAVINST 1211.2 Series.

Ogwira ntchito omwe amalephera kukhala ndi ziyeneretso kudzera mwazidziwitso zapamwamba zapamwamba sakuyeneranso kusunga NEC. An NAVPERS 1221/6 adzaperekedwa PERS-4013D2 kwa kuchotsedwa kwa NEC. Izi zokhudzana ndi kuchotsedwa kwa NEC zimachotsedwa kwa miyezi 36 kwa antchito awo omwe anali oyenerera kale koma kenako anasamutsidwa ku ntchito yamtunda.

Ogwira ntchito omwe amapempha maphunzirowa adzabwezeretsanso maphunziro awo ndi mphoto ya NEC.

0318 - Mpweya Wotsutsa Mtsogoleri (APPLIES TO: OS)

0319 - Kuyang'anira Air Control Proller (APPLIES TO: OS)

0324 - USW / SUW Tactical Air Controller (USTAC) (APPLIES TO: OS)

0326 - Opaleshoni Zogwira Ntchito (APPLIES TO: OS)

0327 - Wolamulira Wachilombo Wanyanja (SCAC) (APPLIES TO: OS)

0328 - Utsogoleri wa USW / SUW Tactical Air Control (USTAC) (APPLIES TO: OS)

0332 - Chida cha zida za TOMAHAWK (pamwamba) Opanga- Code NEC yachotsedwa (Mabotolo Otsatira ndi Ogwira Ntchito ku 0000)

0334 - HARPOON (AN / SWG-1A) Kugwirizanitsa Ntchito Yogwiritsira Ntchito (APPLIES TO: OS, FC)

0336 - Njira / Mobile (TacMobile) Opaleshoni Control (OPCON) Woyendetsa (APPLIES TO: OS, IS)

0340 - Dongosolo la Global Command and Control Common Operational Picture / Maritime 4.X (GCCS COP / M 4.X) Wogwira ntchito (APPLIES TO: MN, OS, STG AWO, CTR, CTT, FC, IS, QM)

0342 - Pulogalamu ya Global Command and Control Common Operational Picture / Maritime (GCCS COP / M) Woyendetsa (APPLIES TO: MN, OS, STG, AW, AWO, AWR, AWV, CTI, CTM, CTR, CTT, FC, FT, , IT, STS)

0345 - Malo Ophatikizira Ophatikizira (JTAGS) / Multi-Mission Mobile Processor (M3P) Ogwiritsa Ntchito / Maintainer (APPLIES TO: OS, IS, ET, CTT)

0346 - AEGIS Console Operator Track 3 (APPLIES TO: OS)

0347 - Chitetezo cha Ship (SSDS) MK1 Operekera (APPLIES TO: OS, FC)

0348 - Wogwiritsira Ntchito Zowonjezera Zambiri Zogwiritsa Ntchito (TADIL) (APPLIES TO: OS)

0349 - SSDS MK 2 Advanced Operator (APPLIES TO: OS, CTT)

0350 - Interface Control Officer (ICO) (APPLIES TO: OS)

0356 - Global Command and Control System-Maritime (4.1) Kuwonjezera 2 (GCCS-M 4.1 Inc 2) Wogwira ntchito (APPLIES TO: CTT, FC, IS, M, OS, STG)